Add your name, phone number, email address and area of residence along with the name of the company. Once you know what you want to include, begin your cover letter by including your contact details at the top. Related: Job Description Vs Job Specification: An In-Depth Guide 2. Try to avoid duplicating information, as your cover letter is an addition to your resume. Then, determine what you want to include in your cover letter. For this, refer to the job description to determine what the recruiter is seeking in an ideal candidate, such as if they emphasise their interest in the educational qualifications of the candidate or if internship experiences and skills are more important. Read the job descriptionīefore you start writing your cover letter, identify the details to highlight in your letter so that the recruiter notices it. Here are the steps that you can follow to write an impressive cover letter for engineering jobs for fresh graduates: 1. View more jobs on Indeed View More How To Write A Cover Letter For Engineering Jobs For Fresh Graduates?